2021 Summer Playwrights Festival - Radio Play Edition
This year for our Summer Playwrights Festival we're going to be doing something a little different. With the continuing pandemic we don't feel comfortable returning to in-person shows just yet, so we wanted to try something new.
We are going to be hosting three virtual 24-hour radio playwriting festivals over the course of the summer!
Sign-ups are open now for the first round in July! Here is the basic framework:
You may sign up individually (to later be partnered up), or in teams of five.
You will be given a theme and a small collection of Foley sounds your radio play must use.
Play run time should be between ten and fifteen minutes each, be family friendly, and rely solely on audio (i.e. no need for costumes, backgrounds, etc. These are radio plays)
You will receive your theme and Foley sounds the evening of Friday, July 25th, as well as time to brainstorm together.
Saturday, July 24th from 10am onward will be devoted to writing and rehearsing your radio play (scripts will be subject to approval by staff, and edits may be required if the content is not found to be family friendly.)
Sunday, July 25th you will perform your radio play live via Zoom with the other teams for an audience!
To sign up, please fill out the Google form HERE
If you have questions, please reach out to us at openspaceartsmd@gmail.com
(This project is non-union/unpaid)
2022 Wanderlust Play Selection:
Thank you to all the wonderful playwrights who submitted to our festival. Below is our final selection for the now 2022 Summer Playwrights Festival. Congratulations and we look forward to putting on your work!
Any Time Travel Company by Katie Ganem
A Midsummer Night's Slam by Arianna Rose (www.ariannarose.net)
Cemented by Will Boersma
I Was Here by Ellen Scherer
Palau by Rob Salerno (www.tenfootpole.ca/)
Recalculating by Bill Brohaugh and Lisa Holt
Roughing It by Judy Klass
The Sign by Tom Moran (www.moran-plays.com)